Private Finance : Finding the loan that’s right for your situation is important, so that you get the rates, terms, and payment options that fit your needs. Secured loans might be a good choice if you have personal assets such as equity in your home or funds in a savings account that can be used as collateral. Plus, secured loans may have lower interest rates, larger loan amounts, or better terms than unsecured loans. Keep in mind, with a secured loan, the lender can take possession of the collateral if you don't repay the loan as agreed.
The Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector in India has matured tremendously over the last few decades, providing employment opportunities to millions of people and bringing several industries to rural areas. The SME sector employs millions of Indians and functions as a subsidiary to large industries in the country. The sector also contributes to a large portion of the country's exports. It follows that the growing SME segment's business output must be bolstered by timely funding. The productivity of the sector can be significantly augmented by periodic funding. Private Finance plays a great role in this.
We facilitate Private Financing of projects and businesses across India and help clients find solutions for their financial needs ranging between INR 10 (Ten) Crores To INR 500 (Five Hundred) Crores. Loan packages are flexibly designed to suit clients the best and developed to deliver within short span of just a few working days from the date a client submits its Loan Application to us. Our Private Finance offer comprises of secured loans alone and hence creating a equitable collateral mortgage is an integral trigger mechanism for the loan disbursal.
Please note the following:
- Minimum Loan Tenure is three (3) years from disbursal. Three years is also the Lock-In period of the loan.
- Maximum Loan Tenure is twelve (12) years from loan disbursal
- Some lenders provides a 2 year moratorium on repayment
- Interest rate applicable is between 8% p.a. to 12% p.a. on a reducing basis
- Repayment of Principal and Interest is on an annual basis (once a year) or as per Term Sheet Issued.
- Stamp duty of 0.35% is applicable while creating equitable mortgage agreement (to be borne by the borrower)
Our services DO NOT come free and we are rather choosy about who we serve. We encourage only serious clients who understand what it takes to arrange finances for businesses. Our seamless services start with our client sending us a formal Letter of Intent expressing his/her desire to hire our services and then following this up with entering into a formal service agreement with us and depositing the token Engagement Fee which is non refundable.
Please check applicable Terms & Conditions with us. If interested, please submit the below form and our team will get in touch with you very quickly. Or, you can email us a request for further information at [email protected]