Subcontracts India
​Preparation of Detailed Project Report or DPR is a costly and challenging process and involves strenuous work by our team of specialists from different streams. Our team relies on our extensive data and global connections to formulate the most cost effective DPR with attested technology and design. Project location benefits, availability of easily accessible resources, project capacity, etc. are extremely important aspects and we take full care to make sure these have been assessed accurately while preparing the DPR. Government policies (both at the state as well as central levels), public attitude towards projects, rehabilitation concerns, etc., must be squarely dealt with since most projects are planned over a long term horizon. The below are included in a DPR we prepare:
1. Project Summary
2. Market Report
3, Technical details with the process involved and the plant layout,
4. Plant and Machinery and other equipment as required for the project,
5. Project Schedule
6. Organization/ Management Structure
7. Financial details of project costs, source of financing
8. Cost of Production,
9. Projected Profit and Loss Account,
10. Projected Balance Sheet,
11. Projected Cash Flow Statement,
12. Interest and Commitment Charges,
13. Working Capital Requirements
14. ​Debt Service Coverage

Cost of preparing a DPR is project specific. Please get in touch with us for a detailed discussion on how best we can prepare a detailed project report for your dream project., pub-3613042558933427, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0