Business Plan Charges for Project Cost Between US$ 75 Million and $100 Million: US$50,000.00

Business Plan Charges for Project Cost Between US$ 50 Million and US$ 75 Million: US$40,000.00

Performing Client Due Diligence For Managed Buy/Sell or Private Placement Program Transactions: US$14,000.00

Business Plan Charges for Project Cost Between US$ 100 Million and US$ 200 Million: US$60,000

Subcontracts India and its subsidiaries Maximuch Capital LLC., Subconsecurities, Subcontracts International, and FDI Manager offer their various services against payment of charges/fees listed below

Performing Client Due Diligence For SBLC Monetizing Transactions: US$14000.00

Performing Client Due Diligence For SBLC Purchase and Lease Transactions: US$14,000.00

Business Plan Charges for Project Cost Between US$ 25 Million and US$ 50 Million: US$30,000.00

Engagement Fee For Non-Recourse Project Financing: US$ 30,000.00

Business Plan Charges for Project Cost Under US$ 25 Million: US$25,000.00

Performing Financial Due Diligence of Corporate Entities For Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A): US$60,000.00

Financial Modeling Charges For Projects: Starts at US$ 35,000.00

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